custom blogger permalinks structure

How to Change Permalink structure in Blogger | Custom permalink Blogspot

Introduction to blogger Permalink

Blogspot introduced a new feature for customizing the Permalinks is a Custom permalink. This is a new Feature of Custom URL. By this option, we can easily change or customize the URL. This new Feature is Very Helpful For SEO.

Custom URL Structure in Blogspot

The blogger default permalink category starts with a date. Changing permalink in blogger is easy. You can easily change the structure after the date, you can’t change the date. By following top blogs you will get an idea about Good Permalink Structure.

Custom permalink structure very helpful for SEO. long-tail keywords and long-tail URL  are most beneficial to get more keywords in the search engine. Better to use medium or long URL instead of a short one. Use SEO Friendly URL Structure.

How To Change Blogger Permalink Structure

By following below simple steps to change the permalink structure in blogger.

Just go to your Blogger dashboard >   Edit the post >  Revert to Draft > Permalink > Save

Go to Blogger Dashboard and select and edit the post.  At the right side of the Publish button,  we can find Revert to Draft just click on that Button. The  Move to Permalink in Post Setting Section. Edit the permalink what you want to separate every word with a dash. Then Update or Save.

custom blogger permalinks structure

Suggestion for blogger better SEO Permalink Structure

Simple suggestions for Blogspot good SEO.  

  • Do not use stop words In permalink or URL, Reduce stop words in URL  to get good results in search engine.
  • Use Dash (- ) for every keyword instead Percentage The default auto structure.
  • Use High and Low competitive keywords.
  • Better to Use Content Related and Focused keywords in Permalink.

Blogger Page Permalink Video

Follow this For More Blogger Tutorials

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Best of luck, Happy blogging.

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