What are meta tags?
Meta Tags is an important way to optimize your website search ranking. Search engines use MetaData. keyword to filter sites for the search result of query occurred by their search tool. If your keywords are bad, click rate of your site in search result low, your rank will be lower, lower and maybe banned out of the list. So, is meta-keyword important?
How to add meta keyword tag to Blogger
Easy to add meta tags in blogger. simply copy below metadata and paste in your blogger HTML then edit depend on upon your blogger. Meta tags boost SEO. Meta tags or meta keywords tags Helpful to find out what is your site content to crawlers.
Easy to add meta tags in blogger. simply copy below metadata and paste in your blogger HTML then edit depend on upon your blogger. Meta tags boost SEO. Meta tags or meta keywords tags Helpful to find out what is your site content to crawlers.
1. First, sign into the blogger
2. In Dashboard, click “Layout” tab; then click “Edit HTML”
3. Copy this below code
<meta name=”description” content=”A description of the page” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2,keyword3, ” />
<meta name=”author” content=”authour name” />
3. Paste Code Below <head>

4. Change DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS, AUTHOR Related to your blog.
Edit and add Description of your blog related. add keywords specific or your blog keywords. This type of metadata boost your Keyword ranking, search ranking.
Google Search Engine also supporting Meta tags. Stick to this site Drillseo