what is disavow

What is Disavow? How to Safe Use Disavow Tool?

What is Disavow?

First of all  Ths Tool Not Recommended to Beginners. 

If you don’t have the best Practice with Backlinks, This is not recommended to you. You Need Good knowledge in Backlink Quality like spam score checking, authority and More Consideration Factors of SEO Required to Use This Tool.

Disavow is a Tool to Remove Bad incoming links to Site or Page. By Using this Tool, We can Prevent Bad inbound Un-Natural Links links like Spam Comments, Paid Low-Quality links, Competitors spamming, Adult Links etc. By Removing such type of bad links Your Keywords position and Traffic Recovered. Very Nice Tool For Search Engine Optimization.

what is disavow

Once you Use to submitted any link, that will not be revoked or Cancel. This Super User tool Helpful in Backlinks Cleanup. Basic, SEO beginners Don’t need this Advanced tool or not recommended to Use. Search Engines Take Disavow as Strong. Be careful While Using this very Useful and Dangerous Tool.

Caution: ” Ths Tool Not Recommended to Beginners “

disavow links

Google Disavow Tool

Google Providing a Great Tool that is the Disavow Tool. With the help of this tool, we can Remove low quality and bad links.

Google Disavow by Three Steps

  1. Download the Links From Search Console
  2. Sort Low Quality Links into a Text file
  3. Submit to Webmaster Disavow Tools

Download Links from Google Webmaster Tools, or

Go to  > Search Traffic > Links to Your Site.

Download and Create List of Bad links in Text File. Upload Your Text file into Disavow Tool By selecting Correct Property or Website. Upload a text file (*.txt), containing only links you want to disavow and Submit. More info about disavow

This Disavow Takes up to 30 Days.

google webmaster tools submit sitemap
disavow upload text file webmaster tools

Disavow Links Video

Learn More about Disavow links by Below Video.

Bing Disavow

This Bing Disavow also Similar to other Search Engines like Google.

Not Recommended To Beginners

bing disavow tool

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